How To Get Rid Of Privacy Report On iPhone And Safari App

How To Get Rid Of Privacy Report On iPhone And Safari App

Do you want to get rid of the Privacy Report on your iPhone or Safari browser and stop applications from accessing and tracking your private data? 

Below, we’ll explore how to get this down quickly and also answer what this report tells you and whether it drains your device’s battery. 

Why is privacy report showing on iPhone?

Privacy reports might show on your iPhone if you have turned on the “App Privacy Report” under the “Privacy & Security” option or if you’ve allowed apps to request tracking of your activities using the Tracking feature. 

The more you use different apps on your iPhone, the more the “App Privacy Report” gathers and stores the encrypted data on your device.   

How do I get rid of the privacy report on my iPhone?

To turn off the Apple Privacy Report on your iPhone, let’s explore the two methods below. 

1. Disable the Report Through Settings

You can easily disable the Privacy Report by accessing the Privacy feature on your iPhone. Here’s how:

  • Open “Settings.”
  • Navigate to “Privacy”/ “Privacy & Security” > “App Privacy Report.”
  • Tap “Turn Off App Privacy Report.”
  • Tap “OK.” 

2. Disable Apps to Request Tracking

Another way to turn off the Privacy Report on your iPhone is disallowing the request of the apps to track data. To do this:

  • Open iPhone “Settings.”
  • Tap “Privacy & Security or Privacy.”
  • Tap “Tracking.” 
  • Toggle the switch next to “Allow Apps to Request to Track” to turn it off.

Note: You can also toggle off the switch next to specific apps to disable the tracking permission and avoid getting the Privacy Report.

How do I get rid of trackers on Safari?

To get rid of Safari Privacy reports on your iOS or Mac, open a new tab, tap “Edit” to open “Customize Start” Page, and toggle off “Privacy Report.”  

Here are the two ways to remove privacy reports from Safari on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac.

1. Using Customize Start Page

Hiding the Privacy Report widget in the Safari app can help you disable it on the browser’s Startpage. Here’s how:

  • Launch Safari.
  • Tap the Open Tabs icon.
  • Tap the “+” icon in the Tabs view.
  • Select “Edit” to open the Customize Start Page and toggle off the button next to “Privacy Report.”
  • Tap “X” to apply and save your changes.

To disable the privacy report on all of your iOS devices that share the same Apple ID, toggle off the switch next to “Use Start Page on All Devices” in the “Customize Start Page” window.

2. Turn Off Cross-Site Tracking Settings

Another way to clear Apple Report in Safari is to turn off the Cross-Site Tracking Settings. To do this:

  • Open “Settings.
  • Tap “Safari” and toggle off “Prevent Cross-Site Tracking” to deactivate it.
  • Select “Clear History and Website Data.”
  • Tap “Clear.”

What does the privacy report tell you?

A Privacy Report on iOS is a feature that gives you an overview of how apps use your personal data and track your online activities. 

When you turn it on, your device starts monitoring the apps and website usage. It then categorizes the data and provides detailed information to help you make the right decisions on your settings and app permissions. 

Here is the information that the Privacy Report usually shows on your iOS device.

1. Network Activity

The Privacy Report provides visibility into data collection across different apps and websites and how and when they track your online activities.

The report includes App Network Activity for direct and in-app content contact, website network activity for visited websites, and the most contacted domains by each app.

INFO: The Privacy Report does not gather any details of private browsing sessions on browser apps.

2. App Data And Sensor Access

The App Data & Sensor Access feature shows which privacy-sensitive data or device sensors an app has accessed in the last seven days. This includes your location, camera, microphone, photos, and contacts.

Does Apple Privacy Report drain battery?

Apple Privacy Report does not drain your device battery. Instead, you can use the feature to identify battery-draining apps on your device.

To do this, navigate to “Settings” > “Privacy” or “Privacy & Security” > “App Privacy Report” and check the app usage details under “Data And Sensor Access.” You can now use this data to limit the access of apps that excessively utilize location, camera, or other sensors, causing battery drain.


In this article, we’ve discussed how to get rid of privacy reports on your iPhone and iPad. We’ve also discussed a few ways to clear Privacy Report in the Safari app.

We hope that with the above methods, you can now stop apps from gathering and storing your personal information on your iPhone.